October 14, 2005 October 14, 2005 Absolut Föhn: New postcard issued in Germany
In Munich, Edgar now distributed the Absolut Föhn postcard. Edgar’s publisher number is 7756.
The picture is the same used for the Absolut Chicago image, i.e. standing for wind blowing the writing off the Absolut Vodka bottle (Chicago’s nickname is “The Windy City”).
Föhn (English: foehn or foehn wind) is the meteorologic expression for a phenomenon to be enjoyed in Munich sometimes during the year, when - even in winter time - a warm wind is coming into the city, raising temperatures to up to 30°C (86°F).
For further details please click on “read more”.For a more detailed description on how a foehn wind develops and why temperature can raise so much, please open the link below.
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