July 5, 2005 05 July, 2005 Find your flavor campaing arrived to China?

When I got the image of Chinese version of Find Your Flavor campaign few weeks ago (see the image here) I was not sure if this campaign will be realised. Now it looks it can be real. Check out the new version of Chinese official Absolut website (much more faster mirror: absolutchina.springtime.bz). You can see the Vanilia image in the style of Find Your Flavor campaign all around the website and the major topic on the website is Absolut Mixology Contest.

I tried the AbsolutMixology.com website which is forwarded to the Absolut Reality section on Absolut.com website. Just the intro text is in Portugese. (Google is whispering that this has something to do with campaign in Brasil).

But back to the Chinese website. Try to click on the third category in the top menu. You will get to the website which is almost the same like the english Find Your Flavor website. If you will try to go through the website you will find new section called “downloads” where you can download some older screensavers (Absolut Intermission, Absolut Label and Absolut Generations) and three wallpapers for your PC or Mobile.

Is there someone who can send me information about ANY Absolut Vodka activity in China? (Inside the article you can find some screenshots).

Just the screenshot from English website to compare.


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